Posted by / Tuesday, February 17, 2015 / No comments / ,

The Light From The Dark , The Future From The Past

Opportunity is a passion. Opportunity is a positive mindset. To see beyond the mind of an average people. And that is what makes us on the driver seat to reach the sweet finishing point.

Life seems unfair, full of drama. During those school days, I don't really worry about my future, it is based on the present. Not even a 7 years old boy knows anything about expanding business, profit or loss, corruption, bribery, any evils thought in mind. What the boy care is study and study and when they reach a point of success; in which they thought getting As  in every subjects seems like a miner seeking for gold. What they do not know that as a human they need to play smart as well. You guys might had heard of the terms like book smart, street smart right?

I am not even like my peers in uni or high school, high achievers, knows how to run fast, had the skill to play football, able to draw anime, good in playing cards and etc. I believe that every human being are given equal opportunity to have other talents that others might not have. There must be someone to be a doctor if not who will cure the sick. There must be a cleaner, to keep dirty toilets and surrounding clean and tidy.

Having the opportunity to start something new, I feel like I am alive. It is like I am given second chance to live. Imagine like those movies where the near-drown person are given an electrical shock of the defibrillator. I feel that way, just no electrical shock bwahahhaha. :D

So here I am, given a chance, to be as strong as an oakand to be  firmlike a rock. To be able to create opportunity to myself, to get out from the pit of darkness, to see the shining light. Now I am on the foot on the mountain. Once I had my momentum, who knows one day  I will be at the peak again.
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