Posted by / Thursday, February 13, 2014 / No comments /

Silver Lining?

There is always a silver lining for every obstacle we are facing. I am at the moment not seen it yet. Today mark the seventh day in offshore. I was facing a lot of problem. I was terrified when those people ask me question that I don’t know, or maybe I had forgotten. I just cannot imagine things when people orally speaking to me. I just cannot digest it. I am trying to be myself, the kind that is imaginative, who loves people explaining by drawing. Whenever people try to explain to me, my mind was not there. I am paying attention to what people say, just that my brain doesn’t help it. I struggle hard for this job. It was never an easy job. And all the things I am done were marked as wrong. In my mind is just like what the fuck is this old guy trying to say to me, giving me hard times to know things. Why not they just give things as easy as it is?

I still remember what my grandpa told me before I go for this job.

He said, “Cel, out there is gonna be a tough world. You just need to be more patient about it. Just hold into it.” 

Hope there is another silver linig, just like when we believe at the end of the rainbow, there is a pot of gold.

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