Posted by / Saturday, November 2, 2013 / 1 Comment / , , ,

DIY A Halloween Pumpkin Monster

Fancy dresses, spooky ghost mask or skeleton tights are among the favorite attire used for Halloween. It was a great day here with windy and chilly. It was like 5 degrees Celsius here and the kids were like running around with their candy basket. It must be fun. Well, I just spend my whole night to study for the exam. The exam was over and the first thing I do when I got back is to ready my pumpkin. I was a bit late to carve the pumpkin but it's okay. Hihi :D

So be prepared guys, this is the DIY guide to the spooky Halloween pumpkin.

The first step is to know how to draw. Yes, you need to draw the picture of any pumpkin that you wish for. Or if you're lazy, you can just print from any website of any pumpkin design. Well, for me, I just draw it since it is quite easy. After you draw, pin it to the pumpkin itself . If you see from the picture, I'm using the thumbtack to make sure the paper does not fly.

Next, pin through the hole all around the edges so that it leaves marks for you to cut it later on.

After you had done everything, it should be like in this picture.

Next, you cut the marking. Make sure you know which one you want to, don't cut your own hand then it's okay. A sharp knife should be handle properly and carefully before carving the pumpkin.

There you have it. A nice spooky pumpkin with the candles in it. Awesome! 

Oh my gosh, my room is a bit messy here. Hahahahha.. bilik orang bujang ( a bachelor's room) Anyway, see you guys and ladies for the next post. Have a great weekend.
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1 comment:

  1. adorable pumpkin~ more beautiful pics please. It's seem like u're enjoying ur life there. :)



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