Posted by / Sunday, September 29, 2013 / 1 Comment / ,

Differ by Four Hours: Dubai, UAE

It was my first trip to Dubai, and another series of blog came in. Yes, Arab countries are famous for the camel. It was a great journey by Malaysia Airline and we boarded from Kuala Lumpur bound for Dubai. A six hour journey was very tiring. Nevertheless, when I set my foot on the Arab land, it was an amazing journey. Four hour difference for my country, Malaysia doesn't feel much different although there is a slight jet lag happening. I'm writing this blog about my day 2 here. I promise to promote more picture here.

All photos will be in black and white. My first experimental street photography.

Here I showcase the street of Dubai.

We are on our way to the desert safari. Awesome and all is good. I get to know a little about the culture of the Arabians; their clothing, art and design. Friendly people I can say.

I know you guys love belly dancer.. hahaha More pictures will come. No worries =)

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1 comment:

  1. you went!! I am so jelous.. wish I have more time to go the desert safari.. T_T



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